When it comes to success in a weight loss journey, it always comes down to preparation and perseverance. I find when I’m doing really well and having a healthy week, it’s self-perpetuating. If I am exercising, I am eating right. If I am not drinking alcohol, I’m drinking more water. If it is ALL coming together, then I’m sleeping better and less tired. But making sure all of the pieces come together has everything to do with preparation and ensuring I set myself up for success.

School is very overwhelming right now. I let my assignments bunch up on me instead of gradually working on them throughout March. AND it’s Spring Break and so my kids are home much of the time and so even less work is getting done. If I don’t have instantly grabbable foods in the fridge, it ends up being a frozen pizza or a bowl of cereal. SO, this is what I am trying to do every Sunday:


Now the trick is to stop my husband and kids from eating it all before I get to it!