SO, I have been playing the piano about once a week. This is not enough for me to progress! My intention was to practice at least every other day knowing that’s what it takes to build the muscle memory in my brain with the notes on the page and the keys. I could go ahead and pay the $ for the piano app I’ve been using, and have gone as far as it will allow me to go free of charge. And I might still. BUT, there has been a recent development in my health that needs to be addressed and so I’m pivoting toward a new inquiry. I’ve noticed that many people are focusing on their health during this free inquiry and I’m going to jump on that band wagon.

I signed up for Weight Watchers at the beginning of the year and it was going really well, but they have cancelled all of their in person meetings and I have found that I really need that accountability of checking in once a week on my progress. I’m not a fan of getting weighed in front of someone but for some reason, wondering what she’s thinking seems to keep me a little more on track. I’ve had a chat with my learning pod and considering the private nature of some of my future posts, they will be password protected to keep it to a smaller audience.

Wish me luck!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Featured Photo by Leigh Cooper on Unsplash